- All team members must have a current DAPER membership and be either:
- A MIT undergrad or grad student who is registered for the semester
- A member of the Staff, Alumni, Faculty, Instructors, Lecturers or Post Docs
- A member of MIT Alumni Club of Boston (MITCOB) who is registered with DAPER
- A spouse or partner of any eligible player who has an active DAPER membership IM participants may only compete on one team in each league per sport.
Varsity/Club Sport Eligibility
- After gaining permission from their coach, members of MIT club or varsity teams may ONLY compete in the highest level league offered (ie B league if no A league is offered) in the same sport as their varsity/club sport. These members are eligible to participate in any B or C League as well as any A League of a sport different from their varsity or club. In the event that only 1 general league is offered for the IM sport, then varsity and club sport members are ineligible to compete in the same sport as their varsity/club sport.
- IM participants may only compete on one team in each league per sport. Roster changes may be made up to the start of playoffs. During this time, players may join, quit, or switch teams. Once playoffs begin, rosters will be locked.
- Proper sportsmanship is expected of all teams at all times. Attire and/or behavior that implies, or contains; inappropriate, offensive, or vulgar themes, language, images, or symbols, is not permitted within DAPER facilities. Individuals found with inappropriate attire can be denied participation in DAPER sponsored programs and events. Staff decisions regarding attire policy enforcement are final. Refer to MIT’s Mind and Hand Book’s section on Harassment, Freedom of Expression, and Institute Expectations of Student Behavior and Integrity for further elaboration of standards and expectations.
- IM Basketball games (excluding A league) are not refereed. The captains are expected to control the behavior of their team members.
- The sport manager reserves the right to remove any player or team from the league without prior warning if there are any incidents of unacceptable sportsmanship.
- Any complaints should be reported to the manager immediately and/or via this form. Please also submit reports of any exceptionally good sportsmanship experiences.
- If a team does not have the minimum number of players by 10 minutes past the scheduled game start, it counts as a forfeit.
- If the minimum number of players are not present by game time, the other team has the option of calling a forfeit on that team OR waiting 10 minutes.
- The penalties associated with a forfeit can be avoided by communicating to the sport manager and opposing captain that you will not be able to field a team. Further advance notice reduces the penalty, as it gives the manager a better opportunity to use that field/court time for other games:
- More than 24 hour advance notice results in no enforced forfeit. We will try our best to reschedule the game but are limited by facility space.
- If the game cannot be rescheduled, it will count as a loss for the team who originally requested the reschedule but no forfeit.
- Less than 24 hour notice results in forfeit and fine
- Fines will be issued according to the IM Handbook Section XII. Refer to the handbook for more information.
- Failure of either team to commence play at game time will cause either or both of them to be charged with a forfeit and a corresponding fine.
- Failure to attend captain’s meeting: $15
- Forfeited Matches- First infraction: $25. Second infraction: $50 and disqualification from playoffs. Third infraction: $75 and removal from league.
- Dropping out of league (once games have been scheduled): $75
Reporting Scores
- It is the responsibility of the WINNING team’s captain to record the score at the tournament table immediately following the game.
- If this is not done in a timely fashion, teams are at risk of double forfeiting the played game.
- A & B leagues will have playoffs. Unless the manager requests special conditions, the following guidelines will be used in all IM sports for determining qualifications for playoffs:
- Total points (a) two points for a win (b) one point for a tie (c) no points for a loss
- Head-to-head result
- Point differential (in case of less common scoring system, the manager will determine the method of point scoring)
- Points for / Points against
- Coin toss
- All IM Basketball games will take place in the Z Center. If an injury occurs, send a teammate to summon help at one of the desks within the Z Center. The Z Center staff can provide 1st aid and summon additional help if needed.
- Please report any injuries to the Intramural Office via the Injury Report Form: (http://bit.ly/1VwUyAD)